Title Research: Art of the Title Website & Watch the Titles Website

 Welcome back again! This blog will be about researching for the title and the title design of our final exam. Since our film will be about horror, I'm looking for scary-looking title designs. Using the websites Art of the Title and Watch the Titles gives me various examples of what I'm looking for. 

The title design to our opening sequence is crucial because not only does it match with the theme and show the name of the film, it also helps give a chance to show a piece of the plot, meaning, and the characters. And since the theme is horror, this will help add onto the dramatic weight the suspense will hold with its dramatic opening title design. 

Even titles with the right color, font, and the right effects can add so much to the film. And if made correctly, the audience will feel ecstatic when the movie starts. Which is helpful because it sets the tone/mood in which the audience should feel. Like if it is a horror movie, then the audience should feel spooked from the beginning so they can later feel like they should be expecting some time of jumpscare throughout the film. But that is all for now, thank you for reading! 


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