Pitch Blog - Our Pitch

 Hello! To continue this final task, we have to talk about the pitches we created. First we have pitch A, which is teenager camping murdered. And then we have pitch B, which is  wife divorced walking road killed. 

I would not be interested in producing pitch A since the scenery could be difficult to achieve with some of our members. For example, Angelica isn't a fan of bugs or outside in general so camping can be a trouble. Also, it does cost money to go camping so that is a problem as well. Because as high school students, we don't really have money to freely spend. Also, our parents are against the idea due to safety concerns so this idea is difficult to do.

I would not be interested in pitch B because I feel like the scenery in where we will film is too broad and does not really impact the film. Its not as scary as the feeling we want to convey and it is the main part of what makes the film scary. Also, distance wise, I live a good hour or so far away from this location. My parents are not really a fan of driving long distance when we could just film in a closer place. Also, the idea itself is kind of hard to do since it does not really have a specific story, and its just a quick sequence but we cannot think of what type of plot or theme this connects to. 

However, our final decision is pitch A. We found a park that has the perfect scenery for that "forest" look. And, its free! So it is a win win for all of us. It also lets us film which is perfect for what we need and essential for our film scenery. Its also nearby all of us and easy access so its a good place where everyone can go and does not need to depend on one another to catch a ride. But that is all, thank you for reading!


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