Genre Topic - Drama

  Drama genre

Common CAMS: Close up shots are commonly found in the drama genre as they emphasize and highlight the subject and represent emotion within the characters.  Over the shoulder shots have a similar effect as they go into the character's feeling. Extreme close up shots also add suspense to a film. High angles cause the characters to look minuscule, which highlights the conflicts they will soon to be encountering. 

Common CLAMPS: Dark and dramatic makeup is often used in this genre. The settings used in this drama genre are bold. The lighting is dark and has certain highlights on specific subjects to emphasize things.

Common editing: Fade in and fade out transitions are frequently used as they create a feeling of conflict and suspense by elongating the scenes. Also, jump cuts create the same effect by doing the suspense of switching scenes quickly to make it more chaotic. 

Common sound: Dialogue; Actors conflicting with one another to create the "drama". This is because the lines may display an argument between the two. Diegetic sounds like gasps and sighs can add to the dramatic mood as well. Non-diegetic sounds like shock sound effects also add onto the mood.

Examples of film: Titanic (1997), To Kill a Mocking Bird, Little Women. 

Likes of the Genre: I love the suspense it gives and the lessons it teaches you. Since it contains conflict, its resolved within the film and I love learning the different ways to solve it. 

Dislikes of the Genre: Not sure if this counts as a specific dislike for this genre, but the feeling when you know something obviously is going to be bad. Like its so obvious the character made a wrong choice, its so frustrating.


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