Production Blog - Getting things done
The biggest obstacle I've been facing with the making/editing of the commercial so far has been finding media and learning how to actually edit. I've also finally gotten a small amount of videos and photos of me from my family. Now the majority of them were useless as a lot of them were from when I was younger so I would just be making the section of me being young longer. This led to me getting the idea of ignoring my previous thought of chronological order, so for a solid while I stuck with just having a load of younger videos of me. I was left with editing a lot of the music. I've always had problems with editing music into videos. Beginning with my lack of the ability to choose suiting music. I struggled to even come up with a song that would fit but I figured if it was a commercial about "me" then I'd choose one that I listen to. It also has to "match" the vibe I believe I give off. After getting that done I then needed to try and find a way to download the music in a way that wasn't going to result in low-quality audio or short clips of the songs. I figured I could use recording software to record the song straight off a music-streaming platform called Spotify. After a few attempts, I got the recordings that I wanted. Now I was left with trying to cut and put the songs together well. It also had to match the recording I had made which made it ten times worse. I was making good progress and got around halfway done with the video. Suddenly, in a way nobody could expect, any progress I made with editing the songs to the videos was lost. Even writing this now I have no understanding of what happened. As far as I could tell, or anyone, the file I had didn't exist. So for now I haven't made any more attempts to try and edit, and instead decided to look for more songs that match a possible fade in and out that I want to do. I've been completely demotivated to work, but I'm sure I'll find a way to remotivate myself. Thank you for reading have a wonderful day!
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